Applications — Little Theatre of Walla Walla

Auditions for The Nerd are March 25 & 26, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Apply for Staff or Board Positions

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Equal Opportunity

The Little Theatre is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons regarding wages, benefits, promotions, and terms and conditions of employment, without regard to race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, age disability, national origin, religion, veteran status, or any other status protected under applicable federal or state law. Discrimination or harassment based upon any of these factors is inconsistent with our philosophy and will not be tolerated. Any employee aware of any violation of this policy should report it immediately to his or her supervisor, the Executive Director, or the President of the Board.

For more than 80 years, The Little Theatre Board of Directors has been guided by our long-established mission, of deepening community connections and achieving financial sustainability. It’s important to remember that the board is responsible for all governance activities, including overseeing legal issues, financial issues, and issues related to people and programs. This responsibility requires all board members to perform their board duties in ways that ensure legal and ethical integrity and also ensure public trust. The board makes sure that the operations of the organization stay aligned with the mission, vision, and values of the organization. This is important for organizations that have tax-exempt status because they must continue to operate under the same purpose for which the government granted them nonprofit status.

Board Member Application


Board Commitments
Board members commit to making The Little Theatre one of their top volunteer commitments, so that you, other board members, and volunteers realize the benefits of your skills, experience, talents, and passion. Additionally, board members are expected to make these commitments:

  • Serve a two-year term. There are term limits; consequently, board members are often invited to serve more than one term.

  • Attend the annual board retreat and at least nine of the twelve board meetings each year.

  • Join and actively participate in 1-2 theatre committees.

  • Advance the mission The Little Theatre by promoting the organization’s activities and volunteer opportunities, as well as affirming its reputation as a prestigious, creative, award-winning, and successful nonprofit organization.

  • Make a meaningful annual financial contribution and actively support The Little Theatre’s fundraising efforts.

  • Gain an understanding of the organization that enables you to contribute your unique set of skills, talents, and passions toward its continuing success.

Our Commitment to You
We want our board members to enjoy their affiliation, as well as feel valued for their commitment to The Little Theatre and those we serve. We provide customized support to each new board member in order to ensure that they feel successful in their leadership role. Our commitment to you includes:

  • Ensuring that meetings and events are well-organized and make effective use of your time and expertise

  • Providing timely and helpful responses to your information requests and concerns

  • Producing effective results of which you can be proud

  • Saying what we can do and doing what we say

Open Positions

We do not have any open employment positions available at this time.